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GreenTech Series

The seismic shift in our planet’s landscape and increasing frequency of extreme weather events can be directly attributed to human-induced climate change.

Our climate is breaking, and climate action is imperative.

But with every challenge comes an opportunity. We can re-evaluate the way we source food, generate power, utilise materials and so much more. A key driver of the re-invention will be the innovation delivered by GreenTechs.

Last year, Halston Group looked to explore innovation across green and clean technologies.

Entering the GreenTech Era

Our report ‘Entering the GreenTech Era’ launched in 2022 and brought together experts from across the GreenTech industry to provide insight on what advancements are emerging to help prevent climate change. The report explored emerging technologies from geothermal energy production to clean mobility, to understand how technology can support alternative, greener methods across all aspects of life. The report goes on to investigate industry adoption, government readiness, funding, and even predictions for the future of the market.

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Continuing the GreenTech Conversation

The GreenTech report delivered incredible insight into the market for that point in time, but as with climate conversation and action, it must continue.

Therefore, to keep the conversation surrounding green and clean technologies going, we launched The GreenTech Series, which in every edition will speak to a new eco-warrior who is delivering cutting-edge technology to support businesses or countries’ transition to a net-zero future.

Expert Contributors

GreenTech Series Editions

GreenTech Series GreenTech Series GreenTech Series

GreenTech Series x Heatio

Energy will be a topic we are all very familiar with, whether that is discussing energy bills or looking into renewable alternatives. Energy remains prevalent amongst many media headlines and has been since autumn 2021, when the Energy Crisis emerged. A surge in wholesale gas prices and inefficiency in much of the UK’s housing stock has left millions struggling to pay for their energy bills which, as of October 2023, sees the number of UK households in fuel poverty rise to 6.3 million.  

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GreenTech Series x Loopcycle

Companies across the board from hospitality to hospitals will utilise a range of assets and equipment to support their business operations. Whilst these are crucial to any business, they don’t have a limitless lifespan. In most cases, the average lifespan of commercial equipment ranges between 10-12 years.

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GreenTech Series x Mina

The EV market is a vital component of our transition to a carbon-neutral future, and EVs have been a hot topic in the renewal space as they have grown in popularity exponentially over the past few years. 2022 was the strongest performing year for electric car sales, with 14% of all new cars sold globally being electric, a 5% rise over 2021. This growth has meant that there are approximately 26 million electric cars on the open road.

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GreenTech Series x NuGreen

Due to the immense size of the NHS, it can often become siloed between departments, and hard to coordinate activities across a group. NuGreen, a sustainable consultancy based in Cumbria, has already begun assisting the NHS in its waste reduction ambitions. 

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GreenTech Series x Green Revolution Cooling

With the reliance on cloud-based data storage growing, action must be taken to minimise their carbon footprint. We spoke to Gregg Primm, Vice President of Marketing at GRC to understand how they are doing just that.

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