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The 2023 MedTech Market Report

Innovation has forever been at the core of the healthcare industry.

The 2023 Market Report investigates what’s changing in the MedTech and HealthTech fields in collaboration with 14 industry experts to uncover the new realm of patient care.

MedTech & HealthTech: The New Realm of Patient Care


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In the 21st century, we are in a new era of healthcare with the introduction of revolutionary technology.

The new wave of innovation that is sweeping the sector is paving the way to greater patient care alongside empowering patients to own their care.

Industry titans and emerging start-ups alike are navigating this new world, striving to be at the forefront of the industry.

This paper will look to investigate the emerging innovations and complex challenges of the new world of MedTech and HealthTech and what the future holds for the industry.

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Navigating the MedTech Market

The ramifications of the past few years have amplified the need for MedTech and HealthTech in one respect, but also intensified pre-existing barriers, making the movement towards digital a complex landscape to navigate. Whilst highlighting the incredible potential of the latest innovation, our whitepaper also examines the challenges faced by MedTech founders but also accessibility issues that could emerge for patients.  

Innovation is crucial in healthcare, but this mustn’t be limited to technology – rather a constant thread right throughout the healthcare industry’s entire culture – Ken Moran, Business Growth Director, Kinsetsu 

Fostering Innovation in Healthcare

The MedTech market is constantly evolving; from the first discovery of the stethoscope to today, where augmented reality is being introduced to surgical care. At this time there are thousands of solutions to address a pleather of challenges in the healthcare industry. But the incredible MedTech & HealthTech solutions can only have an impact if it’s adopted at scale.  

“It has never been more important to digitise and modernise the way the UK provides care, and we cannot afford to slow down now.” – Julian David, techUK CEO  

The MedTech Mini Series

The MedTech & HealthTech sectors are evolving at such a rapid pace, the conversation around what’s changing is never stagnant. To continue this conversation and gain deeper insight into the new trends or technologies that are emerging, we launched the MedTech mini-series. Each series will feature an expert from within the field discussing their specialism topic, whether that be creating a circular economy in healthcare or preserving the industry from cybersecurity risks.

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