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At Halston Group, we are a collective of forward-thinking brands that include Halston Group, Halston B2B, and Sustainability Partnerships.

Halston Group

Is here to research, collaborate, and celebrate the most innovative companies across various sectors that include GreenTech and MedTech. We develop research papers in collaboration with companies that are transforming their sector to uncover the latest technological advancements and an insider perspective on the market.

Halston B2B

Is a B2B marketing agency that comprises of passionate specialists who are interested in servicing niche sectors with compelling marketing campaigns. The agency operates in both heavy industries and emerging technology sectors.

Sustainability Partnerships

Is an initiative working to accelerate the sustainability agenda in the NHS by highlighting innovative products and processes. We work with innovators to introduce their transformational solutions to an actively engaged NHS audience, as a new route to market.

Our ability to drive conversations around emerging trends and hypothesise what the future holds establishes us as thought-leaders is highly-technical or heavy industries.

We have built a community of experts through content and events to bring those in our chosen sectors investigative, unique, and throught-provoking content. We’re constantly curious and learning more through our network to widen the horizons of our audience.

Collaborating with Global Leaders in Business and Innovation


Innovation has forever been at the core of the healthcare industry. This paper will look to investigate the emerging innovations and complex challenges this new world of MedTech presents and what the future holds for the industry.

This paper investigates the emerging innovations and complex challenges of the new world of MedTech and HealthTech and what the future holds for the industry.

Our Collaborators:

Clarion | Page White Farrer | Panakeia | techUK | YOURmeds | Cognitant | Elemental Healthcare | Inovus | Kinsetsu | Medicalchain | Neuronostics | Nexus | and more.

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GreenTech Series x Green Revolution Cooling

With the reliance on cloud-based data storage growing, action must be taken to minimise their carbon footprint. We spoke to Gregg Primm, Vice President of Marketing at GRC to understand how they are doing just that.

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GreenTech Series x Loopcycle

Companies across the board from hospitality to hospitals will utilise a range of assets and equipment to support their business operations. Whilst these are crucial to any business, they don’t have a limitless lifespan. In most cases, the average lifespan of commercial equipment ranges between 10-12 years.

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GreenTech Series x Mina

The EV market is a vital component of our transition to a carbon-neutral future, and EVs have been a hot topic in the renewal space as they have grown in popularity exponentially over the past few years. 2022 was the strongest performing year for electric car sales, with 14% of all new cars sold globally being electric, a 5% rise over 2021. This growth has meant that there are approximately 26 million electric cars on the open road.

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GreenTech Series x NuGreen

Due to the immense size of the NHS, it can often become siloed between departments, and hard to coordinate activities across a group. NuGreen, a sustainable consultancy based in Cumbria, has already begun assisting the NHS in its waste reduction ambitions. 

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MedTech Series x Charlton Regulatory Consulting

The medical technology field has always been intertwined with regulation and companies have often faced complexities when it comes to adhering to those regulations. But with the industry expanding more into the digital realm encompassing both MedTech and HealthTech solutions, regulation is becoming even harder to navigate for those innovating in the field.

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MedTech Series x Loopcycle

As health is so intrinsically linked to the environment, the NHS has an essential role to play in meeting its 2040 net-zero targets. A fundamental part of becoming net-zero is minimising waste, ensuring longevity in the assets and equipment that are utilised, alongside re-using where applicable.

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