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MedTech Series

Healthcare has always been an advocate of innovation, continuously looking to improve and deliver superior patient care, whether that’s redefining surgery or looking to transform diagnostics. This transformation is supported by the adoption of innovative technologies, classified as MedTech or HealthTech.   

This year Halston Group launched MedTech + HealthTech” The New Realm of Patient Care’, our investigative report on the market. 

Expert Contributors

The MedTech Report

Our research report explored the shifts impacting the MedTech sector, delving into emerging technology, adoption rates, investments, and even trends such as virtual wards. Beyond this, it looked to examine the potential of MedTech and HealthTech solutions in the context of improving patient care, from AI-driven applications that support faster cancer diagnostics to software that can track every asset in a hospital to avoid patient delays.

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Continuing The MedTech Conversation

The MedTech report was the starting point of the conversation, but new innovation is being developed every day and healthcare facilities across the globe are adopting technology as part of their patient care journey. Therefore, there remains an incredible amount of insight to be gained from experts in the field from the perspective of both entrepreneurs and hospitals. Each edition of the series will speak to an expert in the field to discuss an array of topical matters impacting the healthcare space.

MedTech Series Editions MedTech Series Editions MedTech Series Editions

MedTech Series x Envetec

In the move to a greener era, waste is always a topic of discussion. Improper waste management can hinder the environment in a number of ways, from land degradation to air pollution stemming from incineration. Globally, the healthcare industry produces thousands of tonnes of waste each year, and 15% of this is considered hazardous material that may be infectious, chemical, or radioactive.

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MedTech Series x DigitalXRAID

In the move to a greener era, waste is always a topic of discussion. Improper waste management can hinder the environment in a number of ways, from land degradation to air pollution stemming from incineration. Globally, the healthcare industry produces thousands of tonnes of waste each year, and 15% of this is considered hazardous material that may be infectious, chemical, or radioactive.

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MedTech Series x Servita

The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, with many NHS Trusts in the UK looking to adapt and embrace the new technologies that are becoming available. However, an abundance of legacy systems paired with the siloed nature of NHS Trusts, is leading to a disjointed and inefficient approach to development. Too often Trusts are reinventing the wheel, developing solutions (with all the costs, resources, and carbon footprint that comes with it) that to a certain extent already exist in one or multiple Trusts, rather than utilising and adapting these to their needs.

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MedTech Series x Oxwash

Laundry will be a concept many of you will be familiar with. For the eco-conscious readers, when you do your laundry at home you will apply techniques that limit the impact of each wash, such as washing at lower temperatures, using more organic-based washing powders, and may air dry clothes. But have any of you considered the environmental impact of commercial laundry?

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MedTech Series x Loopcycle

As health is so intrinsically linked to the environment, the NHS has an essential role to play in meeting its 2040 net-zero targets. A fundamental part of becoming net-zero is minimising waste, ensuring longevity in the assets and equipment that are utilised, alongside re-using where applicable.

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MedTech Series x Charlton Regulatory Consulting

The medical technology field has always been intertwined with regulation and companies have often faced complexities when it comes to adhering to those regulations. But with the industry expanding more into the digital realm encompassing both MedTech and HealthTech solutions, regulation is becoming even harder to navigate for those innovating in the field.

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MedTech Series x St Gemma’s Hospice

In the midst of the digital age, industries worldwide are adopting technology to evolve the way they work or deliver new innovative approaches to the market. For healthcare, MedTech solutions are being invented and embraced to deliver better patient care, for example diagnostics tools for early detection or systems to track and mitigate health conditions. On the other side, healthcare facilities are utilising digital tools that are supporting more of their ‘back office’ operations that can enable more organised and efficient care delivery. 

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