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11th Jan 2024

Uncovering Innovation in the SportsTech Scene

Morgan Ellam

The final highlight of MIA’23 was an engaging session that delved deep into the world of SportsTech. This wasn’t a panel to be missed but, if you did, here’s a rundown of what was discussed.  

Chaired by Dr Andrea Utley, Head of SportsTech at the University of Leeds, the SportsTech panel brought together experts who shared invaluable insights into the intersection of data, technology, and the evolving landscape of sports. 

Our Panelists:

  • Matt Visser, Principal Consultant at Servita 
  • Shaunna Burke, Associate Professor in Exercise and Health Psychology at the University of Leeds 
  • Andy Etches, Founder of Rezzil 
  • Danny Tomalin, Managing Director at REYT 

Data: Unlocking the Athlete’s Potential 

The panel explored the pivotal role of data in the sports industry. The discussion emphasised how the utilisation of data can elevate an athlete’s profile by providing unique insights into their performance and recovery. A crucial point highlighted was the preservation of knowledge unique to a coach. Coaches often build high-performing teams based on in-depth knowledge of their players, but this knowledge can be lost when a coach departs. Tracked data emerged as a way to bridge this gap, ensuring continuity in understanding, and enhancing team performance. The panel revealed that their solutions not only focus on in-game and recovery performance but also take a holistic approach, encompassing wider lifestyle habits. 

Technology: Revolutionising Player Insights

The conversation seamlessly transitioned to a discussion on cutting-edge technology available in the SportsTech realm. The panellists shed light on how technology can enable a granular view of player performance, capturing nuances in their movements, responses to impact, and the intricate relationship between recovery and performance. The emphasis was not only on performance enhancement but also on injury prevention. The integration of advanced technology was portrayed as a game-changer, providing a comprehensive understanding of players’ physical capabilities. 

Bridging the Gap: HealthTech and SportsTech 

One of the thought-provoking aspects explored by the panel was the blurred lines between HealthTech and SportsTech. The conversation delved into how lessons learned from healthcare can be seamlessly integrated into the sports industry. The interchange of ideas between these two domains was highlighted as a key driver for innovation, emphasising the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration. The panellists underscored the potential for shared knowledge and advancements, envisioning a future where the lines between HealthTech and SportsTech continue to blur, opening new possibilities for enhancing both athlete well-being and sports performance. 


MedTech Innovation Assembly 2024 

Do you want to be involved in the big discussions about MedTech? Now is the perfect chance to sign up to our mailing list for all the details about MIA’24.  

 We’ll see you in November.  

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