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Gabrielle Percival

As Content Lead, Gabrielle researches topical affairs and industry trends to provide clients content with interesting angles at their core. She’s a keen question-asker and not shy of playing devil’s advocate to stimulate discussion and explore solutions. Particularly intrigued by the influence of language change on marketing, her insights tend to feature a good dose of linguistics and etymology!

13th Feb 2023

How MedTech is Paving the Way for Patient Power 

How many steps have you done so far today? A couple hundred? A few thousand? Whatever the figure, I bet the numbers are in arms’ reach – literally. On the Fitbit on your wrist or in the Health app on your iPhone in front of you… […]

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31st Oct 2022

Wrapping Up Week 2 of Leeds Digital Festival 

Guess who’s back, back again? It’s only Halston Group with our round-up of the second week of Leeds Digital Festival, following week 1’s essay! Once again, my colleagues didn’t disappoint when sending over their notes to make this round-up blog – as I said to Antonia Gifford, Group Senior Marketing Manager, reading what she’d written […]

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11th Oct 2022

Lessons From Week 1 of Leeds Digital Festival 

Well, well, well. Wasn’t 2022’s instalment of the Leeds Digital Festival SOMETHING ELSE?! We thought we were used to having busy diaries, yet the last two weeks of September did something else for our stamina! As a Group, we crammed our calendars with a record-number of events, relishing the chance to listen, learn, lead, and […]

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